Examination Content

New Procedure Established

PHECC have commenced addressing the issue of NQEMT Examination content and preparing for examinations at 5 different levels as per the Education & Training Standards 2007. Ricky Ellis has been seconded to PHECC from Dublin Fire Brigade as a Programme Development Officer – with responsibility for examinations.

Individual practitioners and training institutions have a vital role to play in the development of good questions that reflect the content of the Education and Training Standards 2007.

PHECC registered tutors, nominated by their Training Institutions and individuals have been invited to join the newly established Question Approval Group.

The Question Approval Group is a working group which will review the suitability of examination questions for inclusion in the NQEMT question database. Initial training has already been delivered to the members. The groups first action was to review questions related to the NQEMT EMT examination (level 4). 

PHECC proposes to open the process of question-writing to all existing members of the register as well as the Training Institutions. This initiative will be facilitated through a link on the PHECC website which will allow the submission of questions via e-mail. PHECC strongly encourages individuals to partake in this initiative.

Process for question Approval

Any queries from members of the PHECC register regarding the Question Approval
Group can be directed to info@phecc.ie

NQEMT Examinations 2007

114 Paramedics successfully completed the NQEMT examinations in 2007.

 45 Advanced Paramedics successfully completed the Advanced Paramedic Examinations in 2007.

The 1st Paramedic examination at the newly published 2007 standard took place in 2007.
38 candidates successfully completed part 1 of the exam and they are now practicing at undergraduate intern level.