eLearning Interim Evaluation

Module 2 - “Séan”

Module 1 - Summary

The evaluation of the first module of case based eLearning for Advanced Paramedics was comprehensive in nature. Participants self select after module completion in order to reduce selection bias. The response to the module alongside the reaction to learning through the use of technology was evaluated. The results which are to be published in the Journal of Paramedic Practice reveal an over whelmingly positive reception by practitioners and for case based eLearning.

Module 2

The evaluation of subsequent modules has been shortened to 15 questions
and consists of ten (10) five-point Likert-scale style questions (quantitative)

1. I like the look and feel of this module. 
2. E-learning is a successful medium for delivering this type of case
3. I enjoyed completing this module.
4. The time it took to complete this module was appropriate.
5. The informationwaspitched atthe correct clinical levelfortheAP.
6. I will change aspects of my practice due to information contained in this module.
7. I have increased confidence in managing this type of case after completing this module
8. I was satisfied with the amount of interactive exercises
9. The relevant CPGs were supported by this module. 
10. The final assessment was fair.

The evaluation seeks to achieve a further sense of how the module has performed and the learner’s reaction to it by asking 5 open response questions (qualitative)

11. Have you any general comments regarding this module? 
12. What were the positive aspects of this module (personal perspective)? 
13. Is there anything you would recommend that we would change in this module (personal perspective)?
14. What subject matter/items would you like to see explored in this learning format?
15. Do you have any suggestionsforthe developmentteam to improve this educational initiative?

The following data is unedited and still in its raw form, however it appears shows a clear support for the initiative.