Quality Review Framework – A look back and look forward
PHECC recently marked a milestone with its Quality Review Framework (QRF), having completed its final cycle of onsite reviews. Introduced in 2015, the QRF serves as a quality assurance model for recognised institutions (RI) providing PHECC approved education and training responder and practitioner level programmes. Over the course of the past three years our network of RIs have engaged with PHECC and its Quality Review Panel members to benchmark their individual structures, processes, outcomes and achievements against the 31 quality standards. The QRF on-site review reports and feedback from the RI are published on the PHECC website. Click here to read the reports approved by Council.
During the next several months an evaluation and critical analysis of this QA model and its key components: RI’s self-assessment reports, onsite reviews and reports and quality improvement plans is being conducted. This evaluation is timely and necessary for numerous reasons including:
- the expanding suite of Education and Training Standards, such as Cardiac First Response and Medications for Listed Organisations
- advancing developments within the third level education sector for practitioner programmes
- the transition project involving the standards for Occupational First Aid/Health and Safety Authority to First Aid Response/PHECC and growing interest and application for RI status by health and safety education and training providers.
The evaluation will also gather stakeholder views about the model and its implementation and monitoring across the RIs. Information collected will also be analysed to inform future application and review/renewal processes for RI status and programme/course approval.
We want to thank the RIs and their faculty/instructors, responders and practitioners alike who have been involved in the implementation of the QRF during its first cycle (2015-2017). Please refer to our website
www.phecc.ie and Facebook page to keep informed about the Quality Review Framework evaluation.