Progress Update on the Occupational First Aid and First Aid Response Transition Project

Over the past 18 months PHECC has engaged with the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) for taking control and responsibility for the education and training programmes that prepare individuals to provide first aid in the workplace.  This involves the transition of the Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) Occupational First Aid (OFA) learner training standard to PHECC’s First Aid Response (FAR), as the recognised standard meeting the requirements of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007 (S.I. No. 299 of 2007).

The transition timeline is established, with the HSA announcing that as and from the 1st of September 2017 it will recognise the FAR Education and Training Standard as the sole national standard for meeting the needs of occupational first aid in all workplaces.

Key actions points supporting this transition are summarised here:
  • The HSA will recognise any QQI OFA 5N1207 learner certificate issued up to 31 August 2017 for the full two year duration of the certificate.
  • Any refresher certificate issued by a recognised training provider issued up to 31st August 2017 will also be recognised by the HSA for the full two year duration of the certificate.
  • OFA training organisations seeking to become a recognised institution (RI) with PHECC to deliver FAR provider and FAR instructor courses are encouraged to closely review PHECC application information. Click here for the PHECC webpage.
  • OFA instructors, should apply to a PHECC RI, approved to provide the FAR instructor course, to have their qualification/s assessed with a view to becoming FAR certified. Click here for the current list of RIs providing FAR instructor courses.
  • The FAR Standard (page 19) provides for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). This facilitates the transition of OFA instructors to FAR. Interested persons in training for FAR are encouraged to ask an RI about its RPL policy and processes.
Capacity building for delivery of FAR courses is continuing through the summer months. PHECC staff are actively engaging with new RI applicants, providing one to one pre-submission meetings to guide organisations through the application process. This includes educating OFA training organisations about PHECC’s Quality Review Framework, its model of monitoring and maintaining quality standards within its network of recognised institutions.

At the time of writing this update seven RIs have been approved to deliver FAR instructor courses and 18 to deliver FAR provider courses. There are additional applications at various stages of review for RI recognition and FAR course approvals.

PHECC acknowledges the challenges and opportunities presented to stakeholders with the changeover from OFA/HSA to FAR/PHECC education and training.  Thus we are committed to identifying, evaluating and addressing issues of concern/comment communicated to us by training providers/RIs, instructors, learners and others over the course of this transition and into the future. This will involve PHECC Education and Standards Committee review of the FAR Standard (in association with other related Committee and Council work for 2017).

Updates regarding the transition for OFA to FAR will be shared on the PHECC website and Facebook.  Queries should be sent to