Registered Practitioner Competency - PHECC ICT Educational Initiative


Since the publication and distribution of the 3rd edition CPGs recognised service providers have been applying and committing to implementing them. The 3rd edition CPGs present a substantial change and increase in the scope of practice of registrants while service providers face an increasing challenge in facilitating staff in upskilling to the new standards.

Historically, in its role of protecting the public and promoting best practice, Council have supported recognised services and training institutions through educational and training initiatives. The new CPGs create a considerable dilemma for the competency of all registrants. The traditional method of practitioner upskilling (face to face) is very time consuming, expensive and a severe drain on personnel resources. Consequently it is timely for Council to consider an innovative and creative approach to assisting in a competency initiative for all registrants. PHECC propose to engage with IARC, the AAP and other bodies to actively promote and implement it’s ICT educational initiative.

The Council have authorised the development and implementation of a 4-stranded programme which will exploit and utilise information and communications technology. The 4 elements of the proposal are:

  1. establish an ICT infrastructure
  2. develop appropriate CPG 3 compliant training material
  3. deliver training directly to registrants
  4. record successfully completed training modules.

ICT Infrastructure

At the end of last year PHECC sponsored the provision of a multimedia PC for use by registrants located within each public service emergency ambulance station. The PC specification will be in keeping with the ICT specification of the relevant statutory body. PHECC’s only pre-requisite is that the PC will have access to the relevant intranet (HSE or DFB). This will permit registrants to access the PHECC website securely without exposure to any inappropriate sites.

It is intended that the ICT equipment provided for under this sponsorship will be for the use of the ambulance services. However the infrastructure would become the property of the service provider and could be used for other work when not being used as a learning tool by registrants. It is PHECC’s intent that this allocation of ICT equipment will be used to enhance existing facilities in keeping with the spirit of the proposal.

Training Material

In conjunction with NASC / UCDand DFB / RCSI PHECC have developed relevant training modules and material for hosting on an electronic learning management system (LMS). The appropriateness and suitability of the material for an LMS package will be approved by the recognised training institutions. While it will not be possible to cover all of the CPGs using this methodology, it will be possible to cover a substantial portion this way.



Practitioner Training and Access

The LMS system will be accessible to practitioners primarily through the local intranet site with access also possible from PCs in other locations (home, hospital libraries and public libraries, etc). The self directed learning modules will contain both a summative (quiz) and a formative (test) assessment and PHECC’s vision is that this training will be undertaken during down time in the stations.

Results and Recording

Once a practitioner has successfully completed the modules in a particular section the results will be passed to their in-service training officer and simultaneously recorded against their name in the CPD section of the PHECC register. This integration with the register will be a significant advancement for the development of the EMS profession in Ireland. The transparency of such a system will contribute towards continuing professional development and competency assurance.

Time Scale

The development and hosting of 60 Paramedic CPGs will be completed and available online from 1 August 2010. The integration of the records and results will run concurrently.


Participating statutory bodies will provide a progress report on the roll out of the scheme within 90 days of the commencement of the project. Thereafter progress reports on a quarterly basis in addition to a final report on completion of the roll out of the ICT infrastructure will also be required.

The publication of the 3rd edition CPGs has created a considerable challenge for registrants and service providers in achieving and maintaining the required competency level commensurate with the new standards. The concept of developing a ‘’virtual‘’ training facility will support all interested parties in moving forward.