FAQs and the Register

Some of the issues that were raised during the National Consultation exercise are outlined below.

Q When will the register start?

A The register was activated on the 5th September 2005. On that date the Advanced Paramedic division of the Register became live with the induction of Tutors and Interns in order to facilitate their field internship training. The register for Paramedics will be rolled out to all Statutory Ambulance services in November 2005.

Q Are we just changing title from EMT to Paramedic?

A No, this is not just an issue of a change in title. In order to become a paramedic you must apply, pay the registration fee, be academically qualified and make a self declaration in addition to a professional commitment or undertaking.

Q What do you mean by a profossionalisation agenda, EMTs already act professionally?

A Yes they do the vast majority of EMTs act, respond and treat patients professionally. However, what is being proposed is that since EMTs are already doing the job, why not get formal recognition on a par with other health, care professionals for doing it. This formal recognition comes with membership of a statutory register.

Q What does a Register mean?

A A statutory Healthcare Register is basically a Q mark. It is quality assurance for members of the public and a mark of professionalism among other healthcare professionals. It means you have met the academic requirements to practice, you comply with a code of conduct and you are willing to account for your activities.

Q How or when do I join?

A Joining the register will be on a phased basis and PHECC will be writing to statutory ambulance service EMTs commencing in November 2005 inviting them to join.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Q How will CPD work?

A Continuing Professional Development has yet to be fully clarified. Conceptually, members on the Register will be allotted points for various areas of their work. Once they meet these requirements then they qualify themselves to stay on the Register at that level.

Q Who will decide on the detail of CPD?

A All issues relating to Continuing Professional Development will be decided by members of the register. The PHECC Clinical Care Committee which is strongly represented by members of the profession will draw up the details.

Q Will there be compulsory elements to CPD?

A Yes. cardiac re-certification, currency with Clinical Practice Guidelines, currency with drugs relating to your specific division of the register and a requirement to physically treat patients. The details and other components of CPD will be the issue of additional deliberations and consultation. It should be remembered the idea behind this is to ensure a consistent standard throughout the country set by professionals for professionals. CPD will not be a problem for members of the register who stay current and work with patients.

Q In CPD what do you mean by of seeing a specific number of patients?

A One of the key components of CPD is that practitioners actually give care to patients and complete a Patient Care Report during the period. The number of cases has yet to be decided, a suggested figure has been a minimum of twenty per annum.

Q We don't do training in our area?

A Training was a significant issue arising from the consultation exercise. There is the lack of consistency in training both between and within the regions This is a subject which PHECC will raise and progress with the services. In addition to this the 95 Standard will be replaced soon and there will be more clarity and emphasis in relation to training.

Q What happens if I can't get training?

A If a practitioner through no fault of their own cannot get access to training as specified for CPD then they will not be penalised for this. However where training is offered and refused then practitioners may be excluding themselves from rejoining the register at their current level.
  Q Cardiac recertification is very difficult to access.

A Cardiac recertification has been identified as a major problem. As a result the PHECC Medical Advisory Group at their meeting in August approved a new Cardiac First Responder and related Instructor Standard. This will widen the pool of individuals approved or empowered to recertify practitioners to include Assistant Training and Development staff.

Q What happens to my CPD if I am on maternity leave?

A Provision will be made for individuals who have a genuine reason for a break in their CPD. (e.g. Maternity Leave, Parental Leave, Approved Leave of Absence and Certified Sick Leave)

Fitness to Practise

Q Am I entitled to know a complaint has been made against me?

A Yes, all individuals against whom formal complaints or allegations are made will be advised of the existence of a complaint, the nature, and the origin of same.

Q What about anonymous complaints oral legations?

A Complaints can only be made by way of Statutory Declaration. This means that anonymous complaints will not be the subject of any Fitness to Practise investigations or hearings.

Q Why have Fitness to Practise?

A fitness to Practise will protect the public and it will also protect practitioners.

Q How does FTP protect me as an EMT?

A If you look at the composition of the FTP committees particularly the Preliminary Proceedings (Screening) Sub Committee members of the profession (PHECC Register) are represented. The people who will decide if there is a case to answer will be your fellow Register members, and not management or some other individual.

Q The members of the profession (PHECC Register) on the Fitness to Practice Committee and Sub Committees. Who selects these people?

A These people are selected by registered members of the profession. The individuals will be nominated and voted onto a panel by Register members.

Q Is the membership of the Committee fixed after that?

A No. The composition of the committees for each case will be decided upon by the Registrar who will select the individual members from the elected panel. This flexibility is required for two reasons, firstly to ensure that the committee members are at an equivalent or higher competency level and secondly to accommodate service or regional/geographical considerations.

Q Can an EMT sit on an investigation into a Paramedic?

A An EMT can not be on the Screening SubCommittee reviewing an allegation into a Paramedic or an Advanced Para medic. The sub committee members must be of an equivalent or higher competency level.

Q What do you mean by geographical considerations?

A There are four regions for ambulance services in the country. If an allegation is made against an individual in the one region then the
Screening Sub-Com mittee would consist of an elected Register member from each of the other three regions.

Q If a FTP investigation is being conducted can an employer also conduct a parallel investigation?

A Yes, parallel investigations are common events. For example if a worker is killed on a building site there are a minimum of three parallel investigations by the Employer, the Health and Safety Authority and the Gardai.

Q Can I be struck off or suspended from the register?

A No, the powers in relation to the PHECC Register are quite specific. If a finding of professional misconduct or unfitness to practise has been made a practitioner can be advised, admonished, or censured only.