Registered Practitioners ID Card Proposal

A Register ID Card would demonstrate evidence of the 'ticket' or licence to practice.

As with most professional organisations,recognition and verification of membership is an important aspect of both the administrative and functional processes. The practicality of identification cards and their function needs to be considered.

People entrusted to provide services to the public, operating in the private or public domain wear some form of identification. However, this form of overt identification should not be confused with a professional identification communicating qualification level covertly to peers.

The principle of everyone recognising the qualification but the general public not being able to differentiate between differing grades is important. Confidence in the ability of each Registered NQEMT should not be on a stratum basis, as this can reduce client/patient confidence in the quality of treatment being provided.

Purpose of ID

The purpose of the Registered NQEMT identification card is to : -
  • Identify registration
  • Identify expiry date of registration
  • Discreetly communicate level of registration
  • Provide consistency throughout the register
  • Display a corporate image
  • Discourage elitism and engender an inclusive approach 

Types of ID

The identification card provides evidence of membership and level on the PHECC register. The card will display the following: -
  • Photograph
  • PHECC PIN number
  • Expiry date of registration
  • Level of registration
  • A corporate image
  To conform to the ethos of professionalism, the ID card will be similar in style to bank or cred it cards.The power to administer medications is authorised through a practitioner's membership of the PHECC Register. Th is also means that a statutory employed practitioner can also use the PHECC ID in a voluntary or private service provider capacity and vice a versa. Thus the PHECC ID Card is the "ticket" or licence to practice and is independent of service and or employer.

Layout and Colour

An important aspect of the layout of the ID card is that it should communicate to all registered members two important features: -
  • Competency Level
  • Expiry Date
The colour of the card will reflect the corporate image of the PHECC. A colour tag will denote the grade of membership held e.g.

Gold = Advanced Para medic
Blue = Para medic
Green = EMT

Trainee, intern or tutor status will also be recorded and identifiable.

Suggestions in relation to colours, format and content are welcomed to