3rd Edition CPGs – the next step

As a PHECC-registered practitioner you should by now have received your copy of the 3rd Edition CPGs by post.

However, it is not just a matter of receiving the book in the post and away you go!!!

Page 13 of your CPG manual outlines the conditions under which the CPGs may be

  1. The practitioner is in good standing on the PHECC practitioner’s register.
  2. The practitioner is acting on behalf of an organisation (paid or voluntary) that is approved by PHECC to implement the CPGs.
  3. The practitioner is authorised by the Organisation on whose behalf he/she is acting to implement the specific CPG.
  4. The practitioner has received training on – and is competent in – the skills and medications specified in the CPG being utilised.
The list of organisations approved to implement the 3rd Edition CPGs is available on the PHECC website www.phecc.ie. If your organisation is not listed then the 3rd Edition CPGs do not apply and you may not administer medications pertinent to your clinical level under these CPGs.

Organisations may decide not to implement specific CPGs therefore it is important that each organisation specifies to its practitioners which CPGs, if any, it is not implementing. In line with the Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics, each registered practitioner shall keep skills updated in line with relevant best practice. 
  PHECC is pragmatic and realises that over 2,800 practitioners cannot be up-skilled on the 3rd Edition CPGs overnight. However to assist with this process PHECC is designing an e-learning package, in conjunction with NASC and DFB, to facilitate up-skilling.

Appendix 4 in the Advanced Paramedic and Paramedic manuals gives an overview of the changes from the 2nd to 3rd Editions. It also outlines the skills and/or medications introduced for the first time. Some of these skills and/or medications are not new to practice therefore it does not require face-to-face training time.

For up-skilling purposes the 3rd Edition CPGs may be classified as follows:
  • no change i.e. Triage Sieve.
  • new but practice has not changed i.e. Symptomatic Bradycardia – Adult
  • minimal changes to practice i.e. Basic Life Support – Adult
  • authorise new practice i.e. Post-Resuscitation Care – Adult
  • authorise new medications i.e. Pain management – Adult
  • authorise new skills i.e. VF or Pulseless VT – Paediatric
If you have not yet received your copy of the 3rd Edition CPGs please email your details to b.power@phecc.ie and we will follow up with the distribution company.