Can I Practice at this event?
This is a question that we frequently hear, especially in relation to voluntary events or other commercial events or activities.

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Emergency life-saving medicines and PHECC’s role in educating the public to administer these medicines
Last October (2015) the previous Minister for Health, Leo Varadkar, signed into legislation Statutory Instrument SI No. 449 of 2015 Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations. It is commonly known as SI 449 of 2015 or the emergency medicines legislation. These regulations allow trained non-medical persons to administer six prescription-only medicines to a person, without a prescription, for the purpose of saving their life or reducing severe distress in an emergency situation.

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EMT CPC Process
In November 2013 CPC was launched, by PHECC, for EMTs to enable practitioners to update and develop knowledge, skills and attitude within their scope of practice. Launched on a three-year-cycle CPC is now due for assessment and review. In July of this year PHECC sought expressions of interest for an EMT CPC Coordinator and, subsequently, Omar Fitzell was appointed.

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Cardiac First Response (CFR) Newly Revised Standards and Training Products
The Cardiac First Response (CFR) Community, Advanced and Instructor Courses serve as the foundation level for the nine higher level PHECC Education and Training Standards. The numbers of individuals trained to provide CFR and those instructed to train has continued to grow since PHECC introduced the standards in 2006.

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Council’s Governance Validation Framework for Licenced CPG Providers
The Governance Validation Framework (GVF) will promote the practice of continuous quality improvement within Licenced CPG approved organisations and will lead to services being assessed over a number of themes that support best practice.

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Occupational First Aid transition to First Aid Response
PHECC and the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) have been working together to examine the future of occupational first aid training (OFA) in Ireland. Currently the HSA recognises the Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) OFA Level 5N1207 training standard for meeting the needs of OFA. It has recently been agreed between PHECC and the HSA that the PHECC First Aid Response (FAR) Education and Training Standard (introduced in 2014) will replace the current OFA Level 5N1207 course as the established standard for OFA training.
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PHECC Information Standards
The purpose of developing pre-hospital patient information standards is to ensure that all pre-hospital licenced providers are collecting a standard set of minimum data items. High quality, complete, accurate and valid information is the cornerstone to appropriate care, at the appropriate location being delivered to the patient. Through the implementation of a robust clinical audit cycle, education and training received by practitioners and responders will be appropriate to the care required for the patient.

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eACR/PCR Project
The eACR data collection pilot by auxiliary and voluntary licenced providers (Civil Defence, Irish Red Cross, Order of Malta and St John Ambulance) commenced on March 17th. Council supported this pilot by providing tablets, as you see in the photos, to each provider.

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NQEMT Examination Results
PHECC oversees the NQEMT examination process at paramedic and EMT levels; setting the standard for course content, writing questions, training and approving examiners, marking exam papers, issuing results, dealing with appeals and awarding the National Qualification in Emergency Medical Technology (NQEMT). Both EMT and Paramedic exam candidates take the Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) component of the exam at a network of Prometric test centres nationally.
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EMS Gathering 2016
The EMS Gathering 2016 was held in Killarney on the 9th and 10th of June. This year was the biggest and most successful yet with over 300 people in attendance from all around the world and from many clinical backgrounds. As always, EMS Gathering catered for the broad pre-hospital family. In attendance were First Responders, EMTs, Paramedics, Advanced Paramedics, Nurses and Doctors all sharing a common passion; to strive towards the best possible patient care delivered pre-hospital.

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Online Re-Registration Survey
As part of PHECC’s quality improvement programme, we recently asked our registrants to complete a survey on PHECC’s online re-registration process. Now that all divisions on the Register have been through at least one online re-registration cycle we thought it appropriate to seek the views of registrants based on their experience using the online system.

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Respond 2016
The 3rd Conference dedicated to Community First Responders took place in the Mullingar Park Hotel earlier this year.

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PHECC - CARA Projects - Kenya
CARA Projects is an internationally registered charity, working in Kenya, with a focus on Child (female) Protection. In addition, through the CARA Girls Rescue Centre, the promotion of women’s empowerment through vocational training, health promotion, education, gender equality, economic empowerment and sustainable development is encouraged and developed. The CARA Girls Rescue Centre was opened in 2012 to support victims of various forms of abuse and has a capacity for up to 50 girls.

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