Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Continuing Professional Development, what does it mean? CPD means different things to different people. One thing is definite and that is that CPD is coming to all healthcare professions and it is here to stay.

The introduction of the new Medical Practitioners Bill is evidence of this. Gone are the days when an individual qualifies in any profession or discipline once and is trained for life. Registered practitioners on the PHECC Register have an opportunity to influence CPD in relation to emergency health Services.

The introduction of CPD will haye implications for service providers as well as individuals.For service providers CPD should be seen as an investment and not a cost. Currently service approaches to training are varied from region to region and indeed between service providers. A national frame work needs to be developed and implemented. It is imperative that registered practitioners must be facilitated by Service Providers in access to training and participation in CPD.

For Registered Practitioners CPD is essential for the introduction of new drugs and interventions along with the implementation of the new Education and Training Standards. Training and professional development should be part of everyday work and not an extra or add on. For practitioners once training is offered it should be availed of.

CPD - The Way Forward

Continuing Professional Development must be driven jointly by the profession(Registered Practitioners) and the Standards body (PHECC). PHECC will commence a consultation exercise with respect to CPD by publishing a discussion paper.

We will also be writing to every member of the PHECC Register and other interested bodies asking them for feedback.