PHECC are pleased to confirm that the CFR suite of courses have been recognised by the Irish College of General Practitioners for continuing professional development points for 2015. 

CPD external credits for 2015 as outlined below:


External CPD Credits Approved

Approved from/to

GMS Study Leave

ICGP Reference

Cardiac First Response Advanced


1st January - 31th December 2015

 Full Day



Cardiac First Response Community


1st January - 31th December 2015

 Half Day


Cardiac First Response Community Online


25th February  - 31th December 2014

Half Day



Recognised Institutions should note that CPD recognition is strictly subject to compliance of the following conditions:


  • maintenance of signed GP attendance registers (per half day/day where applicable) on a central file for 6 years, quoting ICGP reference.  Please note a copy may be requested in the event of an audit
  • product/service references/brand names/images/insignia/advertisements, etc. must not feature on any of the event material, including educational material/slides, etc. or in the educational area
  • the Medical Organiser has ensured that all content is scientifically valid/objective and without bias. 


A Certificate of Attendance should be prepared for each participant who signs the register(s) and distributed to them at the conclusion of the event(s). 

For the purposes of material/advertisements, etc. only the following wording is permitted ‘Recognised for CPD’ (number of credits may also be included).  There should be no reference to The ICGP.

For further details on the above please contact