First EMT CPC Portfolios reviewed by Assessor Panel
The EMT CPC process has reached the end of the beginning following the completion of the first round of practitioners’ portfolio assessments. Omar Fitzell (EMT CPC Coordinator) and his team of fellow EMT CPC Assessors reviewed over 90 portfolios last month and an evaluation report is being drafted for consideration by the new PHECC Council.

In September 2015 PHECC conducted a CPC survey, for EMTs, which concentrated specifically on three main areas. As the initial CPC cycle was well underway we wanted to learn your views on the competence requirements as outlined in the “Green Book”, as well as the status of CPC recording activity. In addition, we wanted to learn how EMTs wanted their portfolios evaluated and assessed. (See below for the survey item topics). The survey outlined concerns regarding lack of sample documentation and/or proformae, as well as detailed guidelines for recording items such as reflective practice. Concerns were also expressed about the cost implications associated with the CPC process and a desire that portfolios would be assessed by a panel or team of fellow EMTs.
An assessor panel, consisting of 10 EMTs, was selected and trained in assessment methodologies. The panel reviewed all the portfolios submitted for the trial assessment process. The procedure was collegial and professional, as well as being a steep learning curve for all of the participants. The findings and recommendations of evaluation will address many of the concerns highlighted in the survey, along with other matters that came to light during the assessment.
The “Green Book”, as previously outlined in the last issue of the PHECC Voice, will be revised in order to incorporate clarification regarding matters identified by EMTs. Once Council have adopted the final report, and approved any recommendations, we will commence a communications initiative directly with EMTs. To this end, the Assessor Panel, along with members of the executive, will conduct regional
briefing and listening events to explain and promote a revised CPC regime.
Any comments, concerns or questions you may have should be emailed to
EMT CPC Survey – 2015
“Tell us about”
Practice Status
Statement of Context
Evidence of 12 Patient Contacts
- Evidence of Current CPG Status
Compulsory Requirements
- Minimum of 18 points per annum
- CRF Certification (2 points)
- Mentor/Instructor (4 points)
- Reflective Practice/Case Study (4 points)
- Self-selected Options (8 points)
- Minimum of 54 points over 3 years
- Maintaining a Record of CPC Activities
- Method of Recording CPC Activities
- System Template for Electronic CPC Records
- Type of Technological Platform/Device for Electronic CPC Records
- Cost Implications for Hosting of Records
- Annual Cost for Hosting of Records
- Record of Patient Contacts
- CPC Portfolio is Up-to-Date and Prepared for Audit
- Portfolio Preparation Time
- CPC Portfolio Review Team Membership
- Suggestions for Review of Portfolios