Recognised Institutions, Approved Training Institutions and Courses

A recognised institution means an institution recognised by the Council under Article 4(a) of SI 109 of 2000, as amended. Council may recognise in accordance with rules, institutions providing approved Education and Training Standards. 

An approved training institution means an institution approved by the Council to provide a recognised course in pre-hospital emergency care under Article 4(h) (ii).

Council Rules for Recognised Institutions and Approved Training Institutions set out the procedures for recognition which will apply to all institutions providing NQEMT education and training to persons pursuing the award of the NQEMT at the level of competence of Emergency Medical Technician, Paramedic or Advanced Paramedic and responder level certificates. 

Use the menu options on the left to view:
  • Guidelines and forms on how to apply for recognition or approval.
  • Education and training standards, NQEMT and responder levels. 
  • Information on educational awards e.g. tutors.
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