PHECC's application system for institutions

Council Rules for Recognised Institutions (RI) and Approved Training Institutions (ATI) sets out the procedures for recognition which will apply to all institutions providing NQEMT education and training to persons pursuing the award of the NQEMT at the level of EMT, P or AP and responder level certificates.


Every applicant institution must first review:

Council Rules for the Recognition of Institutions or Approval of Training Institution

Council's Education and Training Standards

Council's Quality Review Framework documents

Council's Teaching Faculty Framework

Council's Schedule of fees

Next the applicant institution must:

Arrange a pre-submission meeting with PHECC officers by emailing

This meeting is mandatory prior to submitting the application.  At this meeting, the applicant institution must show evidence of capacity to comply with Council’s Quality Review Framework (QRF) requirements referencing The QRF - A guide for applicant institutions.  It is essential that the documents listed above are reviewed in preparation for the meeting. A pre-approval site visit may also be arranged.

Application fees apply. Payment can be made via EFT or PayPal
Access to SharePoint will be provided when the applicant has paid the fee
Submission of the following forms and supporting documents will be required:

   (a) The application form for recognition or approval of institutions and application guidance
   (b) The application form to deliver a course at practitioner level (EMT, P, AP) course specific, or 
   (c) The application form to deliver a course at responder level (CFR, FAR, EFR) course specific
   (d) The FOR081-Named Faculty Member Form for PHECC Courses (available upon request)
   (e) The Statutory Declaration for Recognition of Institutions or Approval of Training Institutions

Existing institutions can apply for approval to deliver new courses
Nofity PHECC by email with institution intention to apply
Course application fees are payable apply. Payment can be made via EFT or Paypal
Access to Sharepoint will be provided when the applicant has paid the fee
Submission of the following forms and supporting documents will be required

  (a)  The relevant application form for a practitioner or responder course
  (b)  The relevant named faculty form

Application outcomes

PHECC conducts detailed reviews of all applications and supporting documentation. If required, additional information will be sought. The application process can take up to 12 weeks following receipt of a complete application. Every application will be assessed by an assessor appointed by Council and a report will be prepared. If deficits in the application are found these will be shared with you. You may respond to the deficits by submitting additional information after which the application will be reviewed one final time.  The Director on behalf of Council will next review the application, the assessor report and make a decision- successful or unsuccessful. Unsuccessful applicants will be informed, relevant feedback will be provided. Unsuccessful applications will be retained by PHECC for 1 month only, after which they will be deleted from PHECC’s database. Any subsequent application will warrant full payment of fees.

Associated documents

QRF Self-Assessment toolkit (REP032)
PHECC Logo usage policy (POL007)
Responder level certification policy (POL055)
Delist policy (POL045)

Institution Annual Renewal
An annual renewal application and fee is required every year. PHECC will issue notification to every institution in this regard. Institutions must pay the renewal fee and submit by email, on or before their renewal deadline, a completed annual renewal form and supporting documents.

Payment can be made via EFT or PayPal
The Institution Annual renewal form lists the supporting documents required including the annual declaration form.