What’s happening with the transition of OFA/HSA to FAR/PHECC project?
The transition from Occupational First Aid (OFA) to First Aid Response (FAR) as the national standard for first aid in the workplace is a focal point of conversation within the first aid and health and safety circles within the past few months.
PHECC appreciates the significant implications, challenges and opportunities for the broad spectrum of stakeholders involved in occupational and first aid training. Stakeholders include PHECC Recognised Institutions (RIs), current OFA training provider organisations, OFA instructors, employers and employees in the workplace environment. The transition process will commence in the new year stemming from PHECC’s ongoing consultation and collaboration with our stakeholders.
The following key areas are being prioritised:
- Developing and ensuring the quality assurance and monitoring processes for FAR instruction including the changeover of OFA instructors to the PHECC Education and Training Standard for FAR. This encompasses the recognition of prior learning (RPL) of OFA instructors.
- Establishing the governance arrangements for current OFA providers previously associated with the HSA appointed Occupational First Aid Assessment Agent (OFAAA).
PHECC has established a dedicated email address
far@phecc.ie for individuals and organisations to communicate their queries about FAR courses, application as a recognised institution to provide FAR instruction and other topical subjects.
Updates for the transition project will be shared by PHECC and HSA through our respective websites and other communication channels.